i thought of him...
yah i know i should have long forgotten him since 2-3 years have past alr.
but, if such love can be so easily forgotten, its not love anymore.
ytd on sunday, i read an article about this owner who adopted
a pet dog which was abondon in ECP a year ago .(in lifestyle pg 11 )
and now, aft a year since adoption, she has to witness it
go into sleep .
" unless you have owned a dog , you will never understand the bond that can form between an owner and her pet "
and once that bond is formed, it can never be broken .
no matter how many years will past, or how many pets which will replace it .
although the owner was sad but she didn't regret saving the poor dog
and giving it life again .
at least the dog had someone to care for it and died peacefully .
she did her part and did all she could but she couldn't bear to see it suffer anymore.
so it has to be put to sleep infront of 4 caring ppl who love it v much .
i know the feeling coz it happened exactly the same , just that i was with it for 3-4 years,
and it had to die for nth , i know regretting doesn't help and its also not entirely my fault.
yes my pup looks like this whn i first carried it into my hse , except that mine looks cuter and the fur colour's more unique .

everyone would please me .i had what i wanted and all i could ask for .
for in reality, some things are not to be asked for.
you need to seek it yourself .
chances will be given to you.
but once they're gone, you'll never get it back .
its like falling in love so deeply with your another half,
thn aft 3-4 years, he didn't just left you but disappear from your life forever
and will never come back .
the only way to see it again like in real life is to dream of it .
its like there is this feeling bugging you .
this conscious that made you feel guilty, that you havenot done
enough to salvage its life .
but if there is really nth you can do, what would you do ?
i could only ask God to let me dream of him .
and thn wake up in the morning with teary eyes .
how i wished i could let go of all this so the i wouldn't fell the pain,
but if this part of memory is gone,
the happy moments will also be erased .
i dont want to erase the love i used to give him .
i felt that it was an unconditional love.
even whn im broke, i would still save up to buy treats for him .
i want to give him the best i could, and i think i manage to did it .
i mean how can human have no regrets to whatsoever thing they have done ?
ok im done . enough, time for me to sleep alr, long day ahead .
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